Monday, November 8, 2010

Yet another reflection

This past week, we've been discussing security, whether it be financial security or military security. My last post I basically summed up all my thoughts on defense security. In class Friday, we mentioned financial security and if/how that affects one's happiness. Are people dependent on financial security for happiness? I argue that wealth and happiness do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. Having graduated from a private high school located in one of the richest parts of Houston, I have studied amongst some of the most well-off kids in the area, many of them were more than financially secure but they were still seeking happiness, in other words, having money didn't fuel their happiness, though it may have sponsored their quest for happiness. Some of my peers were financially secure and were rather content with their lives, just as some of my peers who weren't as financially secure were happy because they had a good family life and great friends. Yes, being financially secure has myriad of benefits, but it does not guarantee happiness. Some argue that the pursuit of happiness trumps the pursuit of financial security. I mean if you only live one life, wouldn't you want to enjoy every second of it, rather than have the years fly by working in an office instead of making memories with the ones you love? Wow, I almost sound like a hippie. To me, the purpose of earning money is to afford the bare necessities and make enough money to survive in the rat race. If one gets caught up in the race and forgets to take a water break, one will find that he's lost sight of his primary goal...Financial security is important, but how much should one be willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it?

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