Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Spoils of Genocide

Call me a terrible (really, go for. You won't be the first and you certainly won't be the last) but I firmly believe that what happened to the Native Americans was inevitable. Societies are always killing each other off and the ones that can not keep up technologically or socially will always die out. So was what Columbus did wrong? Sure, of course it was. But would I have happened with or without a man named Christopher Columbus, three awesome ships named the Nina, Pina and the Santa Maria, and juice historical rumors of a forbidden love affair between him and the queen? Definitely. And think of it this way, at least he had a totally sweet name. Imagine if America had been discovered by some guy named Edwin Finklestein.

Edwin Finklestein: Unacceptable

Moral of the story is that morals are relative within the larger spectrum of societies. Societies behave much more like animals than people and in the animal world the strong survive and the weak are food. So happy early Thanksgiving and lets go feast on our spoils.

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