Monday, November 8, 2010

Reflective Post: Week 11

I have never felt more proud to be American than I did this Wednesday at The Pentagon. Walking through the halls of that fortress built to protect our way of life my veins were pumping red white and blue. Luckily there was no Army recruitment center by the exit because I'm pretty sure I would have enlisted on the spot and shipped off to Afghanistan to die for our country.

After the tour was over, instead of dashing back to campus like everyone else, me and Mr. Christian T. R. Cavender had a leisurely stroll around the majestic building, were asked to "step back and take your hands out of your pockets" by a assault rifle wielding Pentagon security officer (I was honored), and ended up at the our-door 9/11 memorial. The memorial was breathtaking and wandering between the benches of the fallen, I realized just how amazing this country is and how unequivocally lucky we are to live here. So many have given their lives to make our lives the way they are today and we can never let them be forgotten.

So the moral of this blog post is a solemn homage to those who died, willingly or unknowingly, for the freedoms we enjoy.

זיכרונו לברכה

Zikhrono livrakha
May their memories be a blessing.

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