Monday, October 18, 2010

Reflective Post: Week 8

Risk takes a long time to play. It's lengthiness has become almost mythical with tales of games lasting days if not weeks. But in all the stories, nay legends, I've heard, never has it taken an hour and a half to play a mere two turns. Never in the history of ever.

In ever you say? But that's a statistical impossibility! CHECK THE NUMBERS AGAIN!!

But of course this wasn't your Dad's Risk, this was PTJ'd out Risk which basically means it's a lot more political and has crazy twists every few minutes to throw everyone off when they just started to get the rules down in the first place. Despite (and probably in some part, due to) this, IR Risk was awesome and although I can't speak for the rest of the class, I know I walked out of class wishing we could play it all year long.

Get it?

In other breaking news from week 8, there was a paper. We were lulled into a complacent sense of false security by 7 weeks of paperlessness but then, lo and behold, there it was and it couldn't have been a more fitting subject. If any of you read my other blog (The Incubator, Technological), which you al should, or talked to me for any extended period of time, you know I'm a huge sci-fi nerd so writing a paper on blasting space rocks out of the sky with giant lasers and other things straight out of Star Wars, was a dream come true.

NEO threat? Neutralized, Lord Vader

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