Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In the Words of Gabe, I am Literally Hours Away from Being Certifiably Insane

My head hurts. I literally cannot separate my thoughts, which is going to make it very difficult to write this coherently, which I am only doing to procrastinate writing my article, which I will only work on to procrastinate writing what should be a really fun and interesting paper, if only I were sane. My mom would blame this on dyslexia, not insanity, but I would beg to differ because even dyslexics can keep their LIVES straight, if not our B's and D's.
pretty much what my brain looks like right now.

At this point, I would love to explain to you that I'm confused and ultimately becoming insane because of reasons A, B, and C, but that would require systematic analysis the like of which I am not currently capable. Instead, allow me to pull a little stream of consciousness here; French, boyfriends, careers, lack of talent and interest and exorbitant amounts of interest in all the wrong things, and god almighty my back not dancing is giving me minor heart attacks i need something, le pain, stupid people stupid boys stupid me, I repeat my mistakes with disappointing frequency, i can't even type or text, is it possible to get more dyslexic as you get flustered? i'm really getting sort of sick of having soup for brains, gosh i feel sorry for you fools reading this, technology isn't working for me at all right now, i really need a hug, I miss my best friends, I miss drama, I miss dancing, God I miss dancing, sorry you guys swear I wouldn't be like this if I could dance instead, but I guess I'm stuck whining on blogs for the rest of my life, awesome so that's what going insane looks like, thank God for music. 

Alright now that I've sort of gotten some of that out. This week has been almost as much of a mess as the above paragraph (if you can call that a paragraph) but I do seem to recall some particularly interesting world politics related notes. Firstly, I really need to learn a bit of control in that class. As I'm sure you can tell if you didn't know already, I have a tendency to essentially shout everything I think about a topic the moment I'm asked about it and often when I'm not. It's not something I do intentionally, but I realize that it is both not conducive to a group-learning environment and that it's probably quite obnoxious. I will work really hard over the next few weeks to get a handle on exactly how to conduct my opinions in discussions. 
Freud would say the novelty of being listened to was getting to me.

Although this weeks discussions were a little frustrating due to their sort of unsolvable nature, I really enjoyed the ability to contrast all the things we've learned so far in a familiar context. The State Department and French Embassy were both really interesting, (although I'm pretty sure the French embassy being followed by my French class might be why I'm occasionally thinking en francais....) but for very different reasons. The State Department really helped sort of put things in perspective- taking the theories we've been learning in class and hearing them applied to actual occasions in foreign politics. The French Embassy was (besides probably part of the reason I'm dying right now) highly interesting on a cultural and political level. 

because clearly, the French don't believe in racism.

I'm going to go blow my brains out and move onto some other work. 

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