Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Reflection

Here is a list of fun things that happened over my Thanksgiving break; I slept 14 hours a day, I nearly ate myself into a diabetic coma, I bought a bunch of things I don't really need at reduced yet still astronomical prices, and I developed a nice case of bronchitis. Some of these things were more enjoyable than others, you can guess which ones are which.

What I feel like

Getting back to school I was smacked square in the face with a bludgeoning of work, including my world politics major simulation. It hurt. By in the way of my gladiatorial ancestors (my ancestors weren't actually gladiators but wouldn't it be cool if they were?), I rolled with the hit and came up fighting like a champion.

See the family resemblance?

From the moment the doors of Letts hall closed behind me, I was thinking like a Chinese banker, quite a change in mindset I assure you. My world was dominated by interest rates and loan caps, all in Yuan of course. I still haven't quite put that behind me yet so don't be surprised if I answer any questions directed my way with Chinese interest rate liberalization graphs.

This is what I think like

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